

学术报告:Self-consistency and covariance of light-front quark models

报告题目Self-consistency and covariance of light-front quark models




Abstract: The light-front (LF) quark model based on the LF formalism and LF quantization of QCD provides a conceptually simple and phenomenologically feasible framework for researching the non-perturbative feature of hadrons, and has been extensively used to evaluate the  form factor, decay constant and distribution amplitudes et al.. However, there still exist some debates about the self-consistency and covariance of the traditional LF quark models (the standard and the covariant LF quark model ). In this talk, it will be clearly shown that such two problems have the same origin, and might be resolved by using an improved correspondence scheme. Meanwhile, the well-known zero-mode effect will also be discussed.


现任职于河南师范大学物理与材料科学学院校一级特聘教授博士生导师粒子物理与原子核物理研究所所长。2016.07-2017.07在美国斯坦福大学SLAC国家实验室从事访问学者研究工作合作导师Stanley J. Brodsky);主要从事高能物理粒子物理理论研究具体研究方向包括重味物理新物理唯象微扰和非微扰QCD计算光前量子化光前全息QCD(Light-front Holographic QCD, AdS5/CFT QCD)

近年来Journal of High Energy Phsics, Phys.Rev. D, Phys. Lett. B, Eur.phys. J. C, Nucl. Phys. B J. Phys. G等国际著名学术期刊发表SCI论文60余篇其中SCI一区26,SCI二区20,SCI四区16);引用约570,H因子为14,其中被国际高能物理实验组的实验报告引用70余次
