

学术报告:Advances in Artificial Intelligence



报告题目:Advances in Artificial Intelligence

报告人:任育卓  美国NVIDIA公司高级软件工程师




   Artificial intelligence has become one of the fastest growing fields in the last decade. There has been a rapid development of artificial intelligence applications in different fields. Artificial intelligence plays a crucial role in our daily life. Particularly deep learning networks enable learning models from a large amount of training data. In this talk, various deep learning applications will be introduced, which includes deep learning applications in scene understanding, security, health care, autonomous driving, etc. Future research trends will also be discussed.



   Dr. Yuzhuo Ren received her Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Southern California (USC) in 2017. She received her B.S. degree in Communication Engineering at Hebei University of Technology in 2011. She is now with NVIDIA as senior software engineer at autonomous vehicle software team. Her research interests are in machine learning, deep learning and computer vision. She has authored and co-authored 15 papers in ICASSP, PAMI, JVCIR, etc. She has filed 20 patents in United States, China, Japan and Germany. She serves as reviewer for ICASSP (2018-2023), ICIP (2019-2023), APSIPA Trans. on Signal and Information Processing (2022-2023).

任育卓于2017年取得美国南加州大学EE专业博士学位。她于2011年取得williamhill中文欢迎您通信工程专业学士学位。现任美国英伟达公司自动驾驶部门高级软件工程师。她的研究方向是机器学习、深度学习和计算机视觉。她在ICASSP、PAMI、JVCIR 等国际会议和期刊上发表论文15篇,并在美国、中国、日本、德国申请专利20项。她担任ICASSP (2018-2023) 会议、ICIP (2019-2023)会议和APSIPA Trans. on Signal and Information Processing (2022-2023) 期刊的审稿专家。