

学术报告:Designing Building Failure: The Relationship Between Building Failure and Design Attitudes

  报告题目:Designing Building Failure: The Relationship Between Building Failure and Design Attitudes 报告时间:12月22日下午14:00 报告地点:西教六(建筑与艺术设计学院楼)110报告厅 专家简介     Jonathan Ochshorn is a registered architect with an academic background in structural engineering and urban design as well as architecture. Prior to joining the faculty at Cornell University in 1988, he taught at City College of New York while serving as Associate Director of the City College Architectural Center, a research center supplying technical assistance to community groups in New York City. Since 1976, he has also practiced architecture and urban design in New York and California. Professor Ochshorn's publications include studies on column buckling, masonry wall construction, nonstructural building failure, as well as the political and economic underpinnings of sustainable building. He is the author of two editions of the textbook, Structural Elements for Architects and Builders and has developed numerous online interactive computer programs. He teaches in the areas of construction technology, structures, as well as the science and politics of green building. Having taught in 1997–1998 at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, he is looking forward to spending the fall 2016 semester lecturing at Tianjin University, where he hopes to learn more about the differences and similarities between Chinese and U.S. building practice.